I am researching the KNOEDLER family name, with interest in
identifying Knoedler family relationships within Germany, and
extending them into the USA or other Countries.
Of particular interest in this matter are
Gottfried H. Knoedler and Jacob F. Knoedler, who are the
known relatives emigrated to USA, both after 1880.
As per newly available informations, at least Gottfried Heinrich Knoedler
could have arrived as a Steerage Passanger on board of Steamship "Belgenland" from Antwerp to port of NY.
Date of arrival: November, 4th 1881.
Source of this info could be: NA Manifest Nr. 36311
Name: Gottfried Heinrich Knoedler
b. 10.Mai.1847, Stuttgart, Wuerttemberg, Deutschland
Unconfirmed information:
d. 10 April 1925, Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, USA.
He became known as Henry Knoedler and settled in Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, USA.
He married Ellen Perry on the 21 January 1892, Columbia City, Whitley, Indiana, USA.
Ellen Knoedler died 13 June 1924, Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana,USA.
Name: Jacob Fried(e)rich Knoedler
b. 18.Mai.1849, Loechgau, Wuerttemberg, Deutschland
Unconfirmed information:
He became known as Fred Knoedler and settled in Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, USA.
d. died 4 January 1916, Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, USA.
Any Knoedler or Knoedler descendant who see this page is invited to
send me an e-mail or postal service letter with information on their
family and possible relationship. I am willing to share the information
I have, and I am certainly interested in adding to it.
Other names I am researching on :
Barth, Biehn, Goetze, Heukeroth, Krapff, Luick(h), Preisendanz, Wohlgemut(h), Zerbst.
Pls. note : ue/oe almost means an 'Umlaut like an ä ö ü'